Friday, March 6, 2009

The shadows lengthened as the lonely witch waited in the graveyard to make her connection. Where was he? He couldn't have forgotten about her, could he? The shiver of cold slithered down her back and her heart jumped to her throat as she spotted someone in the distance. Was that him? She had never met him before, but hoped it was her contact. If she were to be caught by Ministry officials with this in her possession, it could mean real trouble for her whole family! Impatient and fearful, the stranger approached too fast, but too slow all at once. "How did I get myself into this?" she muttered under her breath. The faces flitted though her mind of those that coerced her into submission, Dirty Diaper, Poopy Pants and Dingleberry, the other members of her rock band Butt Cheese. Why had she drawn the short straw? Why did she have to go into this dark unfamiliar place to turn over the 84 song endless play set to an unfamilar man in exchange for headline billing? Was winning the World Wide Wizard's Music Competition really worth jeopardizing herself and ending her career as a musician?

She pulled her cloak further over her head, staying in the shadows of the tall headstones and watched the tall silhouette approach. She could hear her knees knocking and her legs starting to buckle. The stranger stopped suddenly and quickly looked from side to side. She saw movement to her right and then to her left. What should she do? Had she been found out? Should she use her invisibility cloak and flee? Her mouth was dry and her breath was coming fast and furious. She started backing up slowly when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around and a scream exploded from her. She was surrounded by a circle of dark shapes all holding candles. She knew it was over...all she had dreamed of was gone and she would be forever a disgrace to her family. As she raised her teary eyes resigned to her fate, the dark shapes threw back their hoods and in unison yelled....



Hermione Bagnold said...

ROFL I LOVE the character names!!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!

Sarah said...

Very funny! I didn't expect that!

Queen Frysia said...

Butt Cheese . . . really?

Shelvicious said...

Butt Cheese! Great name