Sunday, November 22, 2009

Being Thanksful

It's very quiet around the Quidditch pitch this morning. The sun is barely above the horizon on its journey of the day. The grass is moist with dew. There is the smell of damp earth and early morning. The birds are singing a soft chorus to welcome the day.

These are just a few of the things I'm most thankful for.

Inside there is the sound of soft breaking from my sleeping family. Today will be a busy day of family activities, with family coming from near and far. There will be the bustle of activity in the kitchen as our early Thanksgiving dinner cooks. There will be the laughter of family and friends. There will be sporting matches to watch and games to play.

These are a few more of the things I am most thankful for.

And there are all my Hogwarts and Quidditch friends to greet at the start of a new week...friends, both new and old, whom I treasure and admire and learn much from.

I am thankful you each and every one of you. May you all be blessed with love and laughter.


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