Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting Reacquainted

It was initially quite a shock to me to see Lucius Whitmarsh walk into Summer Camp. I had never expected to see him again after he so mysteriously disappeared from Hogwarts. I had prepared the cabin for the new DADA counselor thinking I would be greeting and initiating someone totally new to HSKS.

I spent last weekend in deep discussions with Lucius, working through the reasons for his departure and I think we've come to a place of peace. He was very upset that his reputation had been besmirched and that his reputation in the wizarding community had suffered. Years of study have taught Counselor Whitmarsh more ways to bend an enemy to his desires than any Slytherin could dream off. He had intended to come back and make life miserable for those he blamed for his fall from grace. He had spent many months plotting to take back all that was rightfully his. His plan was that the puppet would become the puppet master! However, when our eyes met once again, all was forgotten. Life is so LUSCIOUS!


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