Friday, September 12, 2008

A New Term at Hogwarts

I'm so excited for the start of a new term at Hogwarts! There is so much activity around Ravenclaw Tower. There are first years dragging trunks up and down stairways looking totally baffled and lost. I do hope that the Slytherins can control themselves and not direct all these poor new students in the wrong directions. It was sad to see wide eyed first years terrified and stranded on the moving staircases last term. Let's hope they can all make it safely to their dorms without being permanently scarred!

Of course, I've been busy readying the Common Room. We have a new House Elf this term. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll know her name.

Oh..I see the new DADA Professor arriving! I'm off to welcome him as only I can do!